Temporomandibular Joint Fellowship
Temporomandibular Joint International Fellowship
O Programa de Fellowship Internacional da Articulação Temporomandibular é uma excelente oportunidade para visitar um centro de referência em Dor Orofacial e Disfunção Temporomandibular na Europa. Será uma experiência única de interagir com a minha prática clínica e cirúrgica diária. A nossa filosofia está centrada na excelência do diagnóstico e no tratamento da articulação temporomandibular. Estou ansioso para receber a sua candidatura ao fellowship. Poderá enviar a sua candidatura diretamente para para o Prof. Dr. David Ângelo : david.angelo@ipface.pt
TMJ - Temporomandibular Joint International Fellowship
Dr. Adelaide Zettin
TMJ - Temporomandibular JJoint International Fellowship
Dr. Bruna Porto
TMJ - Temporomandibular Joint International Fellowship
Dr. Carlos Takahashi
TMJ - Temporomandibular Joint International Fellowship
Dr. Dani Talmaceanu
TMJ - Temporomandibular Joint International Fellowship
Dr. Francesco Maffia
TMJ - Temporomandibular Joint International Fellowship
Dr. Giovanni Nicoli
A unique opportunity for advancing your training and deepening your expertise in mini-invasive and surgical treatments for Temporomandibular Disorders.
TMJ - Temporomandibular Joint International Fellowship
Dr. Igor Marques
TMJ - Temporomandibular Joint International Fellowship
Dr. Iman Azharmehr
TMJ - Temporomandibular Joint International Fellowship
Dr. Iuga Teodora
TMJ - Temporomandibular Joint International Fellowship
Dr. James Galea
TMJ - Temporomandibular Joint International Fellowship
Dr. João Frare
TMJ - Temporomandibular Joint International Fellowship
Dr. Thomas Fischer
TMJ - Temporomandibular Joint International Fellowship
Alessandra Leonardi
TMJ - Temporomandibular Joint International Fellowship
Dr. Amir Reza
TMJ - Temporomandibular Joint International Fellowship
Dr. Bartosz Mankowski
TMJ - Temporomandibular Joint International Fellowship
Dr. Ramiro Loureiro
TMJ - Temporomandibular Joint International Fellowship
Dr. Sergio Inojosa
Dr. Sergio Inojosa
TMJ - Temporomandibular Joint International Fellowship
Dr. Purba, Dr. Ariestiana, Dr. Anggayanti – Indonesia
Temporomandibular Joint Fellowship
Testemunhos de alguns Médicos que realizaram os estágios
Dr. Carlos Takahashi -
If any surgeon is lucky to come here to this fellowship, will open your eyes, if you currently treat TMJ and you have some issues with patients, I am sure Professor Dr. David Ângelo approaches will change the way that you see it. The way Professor Dr. David Ângelo does the treatments is very simple, it is not simple, but the way he does them makes them easy. He is surrounded by an amazing staff that makes the treatments available easy to perform. It is amazing and highly recommended!
Dr. Carlos Takahashi from Mexico
Dr Iman Azarmehr -
The examination are very systematic, the follow-up are very professional and systematic. The treatments are up to date with the latest evidence and experience out there. I think it’s an excellent way to extend your network, to make great connections, to get motivated and then go home, practice, improve and reflect.”
Dr Iman Azarmehr from Sweden
Dra. Iulia Teodora -
I traveled 3500km to meet this team and had the opportunity to see how the IPF works behind the scenes: the authenticity, professionalism and kindness of the team impressed me.”